Monday, April 18, 2011

bucket gardening

Our lease is up in august. I want a garden. So, I had to come up with a solution. I don't to plant a garden and then move before I can even pick anything. I am going to attempt a "bucket garden" My goal for the week is to somehow acquire 12-15 5 gallon buckets and plan exactly what to plant in each. I am also trying to find cheap canning equipment so that I can preserve some of the things that we grow for use in the winter. I was told that walmart and hyvee give away 5 gallon buckets that they use for icing. I'm going to give them a try. Hope I get lucky :) It would save me quite a bit of money to find free buckets instead of having to buy them for 3 or 5$ a piece. I have been doing some research on the subject and hopefully will have a pretty good little garden growing soon. I haven't tried to grow anything successfully in a long time so it should be interesting. If I remember to water my plants we should be ok. I have a black thumb though when it comes to house plants :( wish me luck!


  1. I've been wanting to do this so badly! I have a small balcony with our apartment I could put buckets on, you'll have to let me know how it goes for you!

  2. I did alot of research on it so hope it goes well! Im going to use some old jars and stuff as well to plant some herbs and spices. from what I have read as long as i don't over plant and wter regularly it should actually grow better then in the ground. Because of the lack of weeds, bugs, and better dirt.

  3. I just took two big buckets over to your dad's house yesterday. If I had known you needed them I would have brought them over there. Maybe I'll take them back next time and bring them to you. I don't think he had a plan for them, we're just trying to give away everything we're not willing to put in our trunk and take to Texas. Pretty much we're getting rid of everything we own. On that same note, what time would be best to bring a load to your house tomorrow?? I have yarn and a TV stand for you. Next week I'll bring the desk and bookshelf and kitchen table. Do you want a futon? Maybe I should just let you come over and take anything you want... lol

  4. Dad was going to try to find some buckets for me so maybe that's what he had in mind? idk. No room for a futon. We will be home till about 5:30ish tomorrow and then probably after 7:30 or so. I can come get stuff (we do have a truck lol). txt me tomorrow.

  5. Thanks for popping in to comment on my cheap-o draft fix!! I tired to reply back but you need to add an email address to your profile!! Make sure to pop back over and enter my giveaway - it ends tonight and the winner will be picked in the morning!! :)
